Thursday 5 March 2015

The beauty of breakfast!

Hey there!

It's been a long couple months... and I haven't been around much, but I am hoping to rectify that. I do want to write more often, though most of the time I feel that I have nothing to write about - like now. Which leads me to writing this incredibly riveting post about breakfast.

I freakin' hate breakfast! Not just dislike breakfast, or cant be bothered to make breakfast, but seriously hate breakfast. Okay okay, I know, breakfast is the most important meal of the day and I am a parent and I should be setting a better example - but I hate breakfast! I remember mum and dad nagging about breakfast when I was a kid, and I ate it because it was better than getting busted, but I hated it even then.

Now that we are home-schooling the youngest, and I have a kidlet at home paying very close attention to what I do all day long, breakfast is something I cant really get out of. The lack of routine means I can at least push it out a little later which is a bonus, but what I didn't know, is that the kidlet hates breakfast too! We chatted this morning (around 10:30am) about how she hadn't had breakfast yet. And she didn't want breakfast, so I coerced her into having some breakfast, by offering to cook 'dippy eggs'. Otherwise known as Egg and Soldiers. It was a favourite when I was younger, we spent a lot of time at my grandparents house and Old Nana used to make us 'dippy eggs'. And the kidlet loves them too, but it's something we just don't generally get time to do, especially on a school morning.

Turned out to be a pretty awesome morning, even if breakfast was involved!

'Til next time

1 comment:

  1. So glad you got to blog this post as it has been a while since your last and I love to read your posts.It is the simple things in our lives that lead us to sharing our traditions and experiences with our children and I think that is a good thing. It is amazing how much our chn don't know about us and what we did before we became a mum.
