Sunday, 18 October 2015

Another day, another drama...

Hey there,

Thanks for stopping by! I am going to try and post in here a little more often :) Writing down the shit that storms around in my head seems to be working well and the poor old mojo seems to respond well, so whatever works, right?

Being a 'single mum' is not a position I ever thought I would be in again. I believed that because we (he and I) have made it through a mountain of crap together that we were guaranteed, rock solid, completely secure in our relationship together. I don't know what happened... I know he got bored, or maybe it was a 'holy shit I am getting old' moment. I know that I had reached a point in my life and in my relationship where I was so anxious all the time, I would find myself awake at 4am feeling like I was drowning. My health was suffering and there didn't seem to be a whole lot of my life that was in my control. Yet I never thought about bailing, not about anyone else or ever being with anyone but him.

I don't know where I became someone that he could pass on. I have a million questions that I don't actually want the answers too lol, and that alone sounds crazy.

I seem to spend a lot of time looking at the sky at the moment. More often than not, its when I am with my kids and I am doing anything I can to fight back tears. How the hell did I get here? I ask myself that question multiple times a day. The support I have had from friends in the last few months has completely blown my mind. And I am so very very thankful for those people. I like to think I am tough, and I am trying to make sure that I stay strong and brave but honestly, I am just putting one foot in front of the other, hoping to make it to the end of the day. Im not depressed now, just trudging.
I miss him... more than I should. His actions and choices hurt me, badly, and yet I know I still love him. He has moved on, and I just want to maintain a friendship, and be great co-parents, and hopefully friends. He has been my best friend for as long as I can remember... I know I know, best friends don't hurt each other like that.

Better keep trudging!

'Til next time xx

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